Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Blowing Up A Fucking Satellite

Is anybody else scared shitless about this whole satellite-falling-to-Earth-and-maybe-releasing-a-
dollar-missile-with-only-a-ten-second-window? I don't know about you, but I don't like it one bit! This sounds WAY too "Armageddon" to me, and we all know how that piece of shit went. Also, this is reminiscent of China shooting down one of their own satellites awhile back, much to the chagrin of the U.S. government. So how is this any different? It's all a bunch of macho posturing to try to scare the Chinese. Well I'll tell you this: The Chinese do not get scared! They have the world's biggest land army. 'Nuff said. Sheeit, if people think this will do anything to affect how China does business, just look at the whole situation in Sudan. While all the world cries Genocide, China is the government's main supplier of fucking weapons! Do they give a fuck? No!

Don't know why I went off on that tangent about China. My main point is that I really don't think this missile is going to work. Call me a hysteric, but I honestly think the missile will miss the target, which will then lead to there being not only an errant satellite, but a missile as well. This is as exciting as it is pant-shit-worthy.

On a side note: the phrase "satellite" gets it's roots from the Roman God Saturn, who in turn is the Greek God Cronos. For those of you who aren't as into Greek Mythology as I am, Cronos was Zeus' dad. Yes, Zeus, the badass of all badasses, had a dad, who was even more of a badass that Zeus. Think about it: Zeus is only half the man (read: God) Cronos is. Cronos ate his kids. Cronos' penis turned into Aphrodite. Cronos had sex with Mother Earth... If I were the U.S. Navy, I'd think twice about launching a missile at the God who couldn't tell the difference between a boulder and a baby -- even after eating it.

1 comment:

Mikey Filmmaker said...

I agree. Someone needs to call Harry Stamper ASAP.