Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I'm On The Air!!

I did a podcast with two of my closest and most trusted colleagues tonight, Mikeyfilmmaker of "Spaghetti Sauce and Sweat Peas" and Kyle of "Why I Will Never Be a Famous Writer," and I gotta say -- it's pretty damn good. I ramble here and there and here again, but somehow we managed to make it last a full hour. You can check it out here.

Oh, and I've thinking about a few things I said in the podcast... Mike said he considers the Oscar acceptance speeches to be a great chance for winners to inspire their fans, and it's a shame when they give only a cursory "Thank You," a la Ethan Coen. In my response to this statement I realized that, as a wannabe TV writer, the greatest accomplishment I could ever hope to achieve would be to have my creation be broadcast on national television. I wouldn't care so much about an award after this, but I know for a fact that I would bawl my big brown eyes out to see my words being brought to life on the screen. The idea gives me goosebumps... And not just because I can summon them on command (for real, ask anybody). It's nice to have something to aspire to. If not, what's the point of living?

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